Friday, March 13, 2009

Make your own toothpaste

Using these simple household items will give you a happy mouth! When we ran out of toothpaste as a kid my mom would pull out the baking soda. Just wet brush, dip and apply. When you really need to pinch go with baking soda. It probably costs less than a penny per brush. The taste will take some getting used to. The mild abrasion power of baking soda will leave your teeth feeling good and scrubbed. Worries about lack of flouride should be nil as research confirms, again and again, that flouride actually damages your teeth and is a suspected neurotoxin! Read here for more disturbing information about flouride...

Peroxide makes a good gargle. Mix with an equal part water. Make sure not to swallow any by exhaling slowly as you gargle. It is a strange sensation! Used in tandem, your teeth will be whiter and cleaner. Peroxide not only whitens, but kills odor causing bacteria. You may want to use the peroxide only once a week to see how your mouth reacts.

Notice there is only a speck of toothpaste on the brush. When using store bought toothpaste, that is all you ever really need! Never the amount shown in commercials to get you to overuse product and keep production levels up, up, up. I find myself foaming to capacity halfway through and having to spit and continue.

I could never bring myself to floss regularly until my husband was given a Reach brand dental flosser from a dental hygenist friend. You will become addicted!

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